Our Work

Leukaemia UK

Building brand awareness for research charity Leukaemia UK

A Leukaemia branded graphic showing a woman and young girl making pastry. The mother has angel wings and the graphic includes the text
A Leukaemia branded graphic showing a woman and young girl making pastry. The mother has angel wings and the graphic includes the text

Building brand awareness for research charity Leukaemia UK

We were tasked with reaching current and potential supporters with a brand building campaign for Leukaemia UK.

Using audience profiling research from Beautiful Insights, and with three different creative routes developed by The Clearing we built a test-learn-adapt channel strategy targeting people with a link to the disease – people who have experienced leukaemia either themselves or through the diagnosis of a loved one.

What did we achieve?

  • More than 50,000 people visited the campaign landing page.
  • This was an increase of 700% on normal traffic levels to the website.
  • Organic social engagement increased by 339%.
  • 210 people signed up to the Leukaemia UK newsletter.
  • The campaign helped drive an increase in donations – the highest levels in one month for 2023.
  • A Leukaemia branded graphic showing a woman and young girl making pastry. The mother has angel wings and the graphic includes the text
Speech icon
  • This was a real test and learn for us – following a brand refresh we wanted to engage new audiences in our mission to stop leukaemia from devastating lives in a creative, innovative way.

    Jack & Grace worked seamlessly with our team to determine the strategy to help us achieve our goals.

    In addition to providing great counsel and achieving impressive results, they’re also a joy to work with!

    Anna Wilson and Lizzie Afonso

    Joint Directors of Communications at Leukaemia UK